High-DRO® Tanks were developed by Highland Tank to satisfy an ever-increasing need for the safe and sanitary storage of water. High-DRO® Tanks are atmospheric storage tanks designed specifically for storage of potable water, fire protection water, wastewater and rainwater. Available in prefabricated volumes from 300 to 70,000 gallons, High-DRO® welded steel tanks satisfy most water and wastewater storage applications. They are manufactured for a wide range of municipal, commercial, institutional and industrial applications including: Institutional facilities, schools, hospitals, prisons, hotels, resorts, casinos, apartment complexes, rural housing developments, campgrounds & farms. Constructed of coated carbon steel or stainless steel, rugged and reliable High-DRO® Tanks are inherently resistant to most environmental threats as well as corrosion. High-DRO® water tanks can be installed aboveground or underground. Some additional features of our steel water storage tanks include: Safe hygienic water storage, unaffected by ultra violet or light penetration, rugged and simple design, transportable to remote locations, reduced project lead time from inception to completion. High-DRO® Tanks are manufactured to stringent standards. High-DRO® Tanks used for storage of clean water are typically of single-wall construction complying with recognized national water tank codes

The High-LINK® Integrated Systems couples Highland Tank’s superior steel tank products with state-of-the-art electronic management devices and proprietary software to provide real-time data to decision-makers. With our High-LINK® applications you will have the power to optimize the usage and transfer of all your liquid operations. Learn more here.

Fire protection tanks are hydropneumatic water storage tanks designed for use in fire protection systems. These tanks are required by fire codes in many commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings for use with automatic sprinkler systems for fire suppression. Fire protection vessels are designed, fabricated, tested, inspected, and installed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association NFPA Standard No. 22, “Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection.” Building and fire codes may require a secondary on-site water supply for high-rise buildings. Compliance may result in a secondary water supply equal to the hydraulically calculated sprinkler and hose stream design demand with a required duration time up to 30 minutes.

Break Tanks are designed to meet the demanding building guidelines and safety requirements for supply of fire protection and domestic water. Break Tanks are water storage tanks installed upstream of a domestic (potable) and fire water pump system to interrupt or “break” the connection between the pump and the water source. The tank’s built-in air gap effectively separates a building’s water supply from the city’s water lines. Sometimes called surge tanks, these rectangular or cylindrical water tanks also eliminate pressure fluctuations in the water supply and provide a steady suction pressure for the pump. Break tanks are most used as a means of back-flow prevention between the city water supply source and the pump suction; to eliminate instability in the water supply source pressure; to provide a stable and relatively constant suction pressure at the pump, and/or to provide water storage to augment a water source that cannot provide the maximum flow rate required.

High-DRO® Potable water tanks are an effective and economical way to store potable water for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial installations. These factory-welded and coated carbon steel water tanks are pressure tested for tightness to ensure the quality and dependability of the water supply. The high-strength steel shell combines with our High-DRO® Liner Plus polymer composite interior liner to provide a flexible, long lasting tank system. Potable water tanks are constructed to the highest standards to ensure a safe, contamination free environment. Our interior liner complies with NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects for the safe storage of potable water. Our exterior corrosion protection systems for underground water tanks comply with UL-1746. Aboveground tanks can be protected with a wide selection of primers and topcoats, even those complying with ANSI/AWWA D102-03, “Coating Steel Water-Storage Tanks”.

High-DRO® Wastewater storage tanks are required for use in wastewater systems where individuals or companies are responsible for disposal of their own domestic, commercial, industrial, or agricultural liquid wastes. These “tight” tanks are available for either aboveground or underground installations and are designed to store a wide range of contaminated wastewater. Wastewater storage tanks are available in single-wall or double-wall construction and in a wide range of sizes, capacities. Carbon steel construction is standard with stainless steel available to withstand a wider range of temperatures, chemicals and pH factors encountered in industrial applications. High-solids epoxies, polyurethanes, rubber, PVC and other sheet linings, all dependent on the project and the liquid to be stored, are available for interior and exterior protection.

Sump Tanks are designed to receive, store, and pump liquid wastes and oily wastewater from equipment drains and building floor drains. These liquid wastes originate at natural gas compressor stations, crude oil pumping stations, and terminals that store and handle petroleum products, chemicals, and other products. Inadvertent discharges of these liquids have the potential to cause ground water contamination or threaten public health and the environment. Sometimes referred to as drain, slop, or collection tanks, these double-wall “tight” tanks are available for either aboveground or underground installations. Sump Tanks are classified as either ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’. Generally, Sump Tanks for open drain systems are atmospheric and those for closed systems are pressurized.

High-DRO® Rainwater collection tanks provide storage for harvested water from multiple catchment areas and provide safe and reliable water storage for reuse. Rainwater collection tanks are available for underground or aboveground (horizontal or vertical) installations. Capacities range from 185 to 60,000 gallons. These factory-welded stainless steel or coated carbon steel tanks are designed to meet NSF and AWWA codes. They are fabricated with internal diffusion baffles, manways, ladder, submersible feed pumps with floating suction and all the necessary fittings for use with the system. High-DRO® rainwater tanks are available for either aboveground or underground installations. High-DRO® Rainwater collection tanks are a key element to earning valuable LEED credits in a “green” building.

High-DRO® Stormwater retention/detention tanks have been widely accepted as an effective means of stormwater management to reduce the developed peak flow and provide a means of flow reduction and treatment prior to discharge from a developed site. Whether used to store and slowly release stormwater to the sewer system (detention) or dispose of stormwater onsite (retention) through infiltration to soils below or recycling onsite, these tanks help provide additional capacity to an existing sewer system, thereby improving its performance.
Highland Tank’s stormwater tanks are constructed of high-strength carbon or stainless steel and protected with your choice of high-solids polyurethane, epoxy and other tough internal linings and external coatings. Cylindrical SDRTs are available for aboveground and underground installation. Our new, large volume rectangular tanks can be installed within the building or located in an exterior subterranean vault. They are lighter than concrete tanks, and unlike pour-in-place concrete tanks, they don’t crack and can be installed in any weather, at any time of the year.

High-DRO® Decontamination Wastewater Storage Tanks are required at medical facilities to hold or store wastewater generated as a result of decontamination activities performed to remove chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) residue or hazardous materials (HazMat) from equipment or personnel. These “tight” tanks are available for either underground or aboveground installations and are designed to store a wide range of contaminated wastewater.