Hydraulic oil in elevator sumps is most often a code violation and potentially dangerous for all personnel working on and around the elevator equipment. This condition can cause damage to the elevator equipment and pollute the environment if allowed to persist. Hydraulic oil can migrate through concrete and seep into the ground, requiring an environmental cleanup and removal of all contaminated soils. They work in compliance with the EPA’s sewer pretreatment or storm water programs by helping prevent petroleum products from being discharged to sanitary or storm sewers.
Highland Tank offers standard and customized oil interceptors and complete systems to remove oils and treat wastewater associated with all types of elevator operations. They are constructed of mild carbon steel and coated with heavy duty polyurethane for superior corrosion resistance, are suitable for installation above or below grade and are available in configurations to fit almost any requirement.

The High-LINK® Integrated Systems couples Highland Tank’s superior steel tank products with state-of-the-art electronic management devices and proprietary software to provide real-time data to decision-makers. With our High-LINK® applications you will have the power to optimize the usage and transfer of all your liquid operations. Learn more here.

Highland Tank Elevator Sump Pump Interceptors are designed to trap sediment and retain free floating oil and grease, like petroleum hydrocarbons and other volatile liquids, in wastewater discharged from elevator pit sumps. Hydraulic oil in an elevator sump is a code violation and a danger for all personnel working on and around the elevator equipment. It can also cause damage to the elevator equipment and a potential contaminant to the environment. Hydraulic oil can penetrate concrete, seep into the ground and require environmental remediation. Sump pump interceptors are suitable for installation above or below grade and are available in configurations to fit almost any requirement.

Manual Oil Interceptors (MOI) trap sediment and retain free-floating oil and grease from wastewater discharged into floor drains. MOI prevent the discharge of sediment, oil, grease and other substances harmful or hazardous to the building drainage system, the public sewer or sewage treatment plant or processes. MOI are constructed of mild carbon steel and coated with heavy-duty polyurethane for superior corrosion protection. Available with a convenient, integral side oil compartment, (MOI-SO) they are suitable for installation in almost any location.

Highland Tank Elevator Oil Interceptors help prevent harmful discharges from entering a building’s drainage system, the public sewer, sewage treatment plant or other treatment processes. They are designed to trap sediment and retain free floating oil and grease, like petroleum hydrocarbons and other harmful liquids, in wastewater discharged from elevator pit sumps. Elevator oil interceptors are constructed of mild carbon steel and coated with heavy duty polyurethane for superior corrosion resistance. Highland Tank’s elevator oil interceptor has been third party tested for durability and reliability is suitable for installation above or below grade in configurations to fit almost any requirement.